Here is the list of amazing new apps that helps you .These apps are free to use. These new apps are very useful for you.

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Screen Lock Time Password

The screen lock time password app is type of screen lock app.In this app current time numbers is used to unlock the mobile.In simple words, if your smartphone is locked and you want unlock it then enter the current time numbers in the password box to unlock your smartphone. 



Teamviewer is remote management tool.It is used by IT companies and other companies to solve the issues of their clients.Through this app you can access your friend smartphone in your smartphone and you can operate or do all functions of his smartphone. 


Disable Touch

Disable touch app is a new app which turn off the touch of your smartphone screen.In simple words, If you are watching a video or movie in your smartphone and accidentally touch your hand on the screen,then the video will pause or something else opens. Just tap the button of disable touch it turn off the touch of your smartphone while watching a video or a movie.


Viral Icon Pack

Viral Icon Pack is a app through which you can change the icon of any app. You can customize or change the icon of any app and you can also customize wallpaper according to your need.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's : 

How i can enable touch after turn off the touch ? 

Scroll down the notification bar and there is an option of enable touch then tap on that and turn on your touch.

Can i access my friend mobile by teamviewer without her permission ? 

No when he/she tap the allow button on his phone then you can access his smartphone.

Viral Icon Pack is Free or Paid? 

It is free you can customize logo and wallpaper without taking any subscriptions.


I hope guys you will enjoy the article of amazing apps download link is in below of the every screenshoot. If you have any query related this or another topic feel free to contact us